Monday 15 August 2011

A Little Seaside PRIDE in Brighton!

On Saturday, we woke up early and drove from London down to the lovely beach side town of Brighton. We are lucky enough to have friends living down there, Sarah's old housemate W and his girlfriend. We parked up at theirs (Brighton is more than a little hilly- and it seems they live at the top of the highest hill) and descended into the town centre to wait for the Pride parade to begin!

That is one proud pooch

It's so AWWWW until you realize he's in love with someone a third of his age....

Even HP's snitch was there!
The weather forecast all week had been rain in the morning and cloud all afternoon, but thanks to the glitter gods of gay ole' Brighton, as we arrived the clouds broke and the sun shone down on all of us. It was much better, but posed a problem- we had left our sunglasses, and sunscreen, back in London! Sarah's precious eyes couldn't possibly last without sunglasses (retina damage and wrinkles from squinting, you know) so we had to power walk to find the nearest Primark- a good 20 minute jog up and down hills, to find some sunglasses. Once we had purchased eye protection, we speed-walked the 20 minutes back to our starting spot, in order to beat the already started parade.

Once we picked the perfect spot, W came and met us to watch the parade. Immediately I noticed differences between my beloved Pride London and Brighton's Pride. It was just so relaxed there, busy but not suffocatingly so, and everyone seemed What I'm trying to say is, there was a lot of nudity. Laura had never actually seen ass-less leather chaps without something on underneath.... and she's not sure she needed to. However, all asses aside, it was a great parade, and to our delight, W got hit on! He was recruited into the 'Bear pack', and asked to grow a beard! I don't think he expected that when he came down to watch the parade with us- but it provided us with plenty of hilarious material for the rest of the day.

Just a few of the naked butts


'Would you ever consider growing a beard?'

Post parade, we met up with W's girlfriend, and we went down to the beach for fish, chips, and a Swedish cider. We had a lovely afternoon, bought some rock, and then had to climb the massive hill back to our car (ugh) so we could head home. To Laura's dismay, she came away from the day with a terrible sunburn- somehow managed to be the only one to get any colour on the day, and now has very awkward strap marks.

Love Brighton!

FCKH8 girls and the giant gay prawn

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