Saturday 17 December 2011

What We love Wednesdays - Moonpig!

In 2011 we became winners in their #MakeLoveBloom competition on their Facebook page - it's amazing how long we have been using / fans of Moonpig! We must have sent 100's of cards over the years.

The winning is amazing and Laura will be receiving her bouquet next week but I wanted to highlight just how sweet Moonpig are as a company (and I hope they don't mind us sharing this). The tweet we received to let us know was this:

Followed by this to our inbox:

When we wrote this post originally it was December 2011 but we thought it was worth reposting - firstly because of the love Moonpig gave us and secondly because all these years later we still feel exactly the same about them!

Moonpig was a discovery of Sarah's way back in her uni days - to put it simply it's an online card order service. The best bit is the fact that you can personalise any of the 1000's of cards and then they are sent directly to the person! As a student it was BRILLIANT - no queuing to get stamps, all the addresses stored on their address book and EVERYONE loves the cards. In fact most people keep them up all year round. (A present and card in one - BONUS!)

At Christmas we got 9 Moonpig cards from as far away as Australia and America, we've introduced Moonpig globally....not only are they great cards they are great pictures! From uploading photos of yourself to cartoon jokes Moonpig has it all and it's reasonably priced. OK so that sounded like a sales pitch but I promise other than being Moonpig fans we have nothing invested in their company it has just been such a great discovery for us.

Our current collection
Our Moonpig 'loving' is also global as they have sites for Australia and America it means if we are ordering sat at home in the UK and sending to our relatives in Oz we can still do it on Moonpig (postage included). Seriously we promise we don't work for them :)).

Moonpig have also taken their offer one step further and you can now get gifts...Laura's was a personalised bottle of Rose - sent from her parents in America to her London office! It's always good to know.

Christmas cards on Moonpig are also really easy- Sarah uses the function where you can just amended the names but essentially send the same card to numerous relatives (well they all live so far apart chances of them seeing each others are slim- hopefully), Laura opted for the photo uploads so she can update her grandparents on our various trips. 

Laura's family actually send us joint Christmas cards - see below for one of the cutest cards we received a few Christmas's ago courtesy of Laura's grandparents & Moonpig! (Laura's Nan and Pop also highlight a great Moonpig piece of advice - check ALL the amendable print- Laura got a b'day to Catherine!!!)
Laura's grandparents are SO CUTE and AMAZING! we were lucky enough to see them every month while living in Oz!
Back to Moonpig though....the company has now been running over 15 years they have partnerships with Disney, Me2You & Nickelodeon- you're notice they have cartoon ranges for kids (and adults) Moonpiglets- sooooo cute!

As 2014 gets started we suggest utilising the site for all up and coming birthdays, engagements, wedding or you know just because a Moonpig card isn't just a card it's a smile waiting to happen :) 

Check it out HERE!

If you try it let us know what you think!

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