Friday 16 March 2012

3 Years, 36 Months, A Heck of a Lot of Days...

Yay, we made it!! (Barely) (Just kidding) (Kind of) - 
no, seriously, its been a dream 3 years, 
over 2 of which co-habitating (yes, we U-Hauled), 
living in 2 different countries, 
working at the same place 4 times, 
traveling to 20 different cities together, 
visiting Nandos well over 100 times in 3 countries, 
blogging, eating, traveling, dancing, singing, 
making countless new friends and loving the ones that have stayed by our sides through moving to the other side of the world 
(and back)...

...And we couldn't have done it with anyone else.

If you haven't already, read our love story HERE!

Thank you all for your support thus far, and thanks in advance for even more of it in the future - 
we hope to give the love and more right back to you all. 

This is shaping up to be quite the year, with a few big news items later this year, so we hope you'll stick with us! 

Today there will certainly be a dinner celebration, perhaps a few little surprises... and we'll update you over the weekend with a post of what we did!!

Cheers to many more!!

As a special anniversary favour to us, if you haven't followed us on Facebook, Twitter, and on this blog, PLEASE DO - 
we love our followers and adore making new friends!!

Love always,
Laura & Sarah xo


Thank you so much for reading our blog and taking the time to comment - we love hearing from you! ♥