Thursday, 31 May 2012


Hi our lovely friends,

We hope you are having a great week!!


Laura today got offered a job!! AAAAHHHHH!!! We are super excited. It's as Training Coordinator for a recruitment company based in Covent Garden - a few stops away from Sarah in Victoria, but we are still planning how to travel in, out and eat lunch together!

She starts Wednesday after the holiday!!! It hasn't even sunk in yet, so crazy.

It was the first job she interviewed for, too!

So thank you all so much for your support, kind words, and for picking us up when we were worried and upset - this is amazing.

On top of that, Sarah won us something AGAIN!!! You may have seen that earlier in the week Laura's amazing girlfriend won us a travel scooter from Gay Star News - how incredible is that?? Sarah is a big believer in 'you have to be in it to win it!!' and after this coup, Laura will no longer make fun of her for it! We will post pictures when we receive it!

And today, her fantastic poetry won us two tickets to the Battersea Jubilee Festival - which we tried to buy into weeks ago, but its sold out!!! We were SO disappointed, and so happy that we won the tickets!! So we will be enjoying the Jubilee on Sunday in the Festival!!!

Here's Sarah's fantastic lyrics for your enjoyment:

Blew your mind, right? Laura loves her little lyricist!

Today was Laura's last day at Frost & Sullivan. She was so pleasantly surprised when her team all signed a card and gave her a gift card to New Look - with the tagline 'To buy some shoes without holes in them' hahahaha!! Good to know she has a reputation haha!!

Our celebrations started last night (pre-knowing Laura had the job celebrations haha) at the Big Easy in Chelsea - such an awesome restaurant - post to follow later in the week!!

And finally - we were reminded what great friends we have.

One in particular has been incredible over the last few weeks - picking us both up when we were down/worried/upset/etc, helping Laura look for jobs, always being there for a distraction and laugh -


We aren't sure we could have done all this -this well- without you.

Want to see how amazing she is? Just check out this ode she wrote to Laura (Marth we hope its okay that we put this up, but it's just too amazing to not share!!!)

A Tale of Laura Loo & How we will Miss you

It was the year of 1988, when Laura arrived a little late
Connecticut she was from, born from an Aussie Mom,
Bob & Lyn they were called and with their new arrival they were enthralled,
So they decided to set sail for pastures new, where the beach was amazing and sky always blue
Australia bound, they hit the ground
Where they found a great house near Manly which they thought was very handy

Then along came a new sibling which they thought was a good thing,
Jason was his name; things were not going to be the same
What with Bob running a lot and Lyn looking after the tots,
So they finally decided to go back to the states cause they missed the food and Yankee mates

So soon settled in Boise, where things were a little less noisy
There it was soon discovered Laura was a bright young thing,
So there she was put into advanced place classes,
where the group were geeky and most wore glasses
She was happy there doing show choirs and singing
With the daily home practises making her parents ears ringing!
Her folks were so happy as she was doing so well
With her list of achievements starting to swell

Then she discovered one or two of the boys!
and how to get round them and not suffer their ploys
A relationship or few but it wasn’t to be and after Washington Uni thought...
"now it’s time to flee!"

So over to the UK she came, on a Boise state plane
with a suitcase and bag waving her little US flag
With a cute little accent and some money her parents lent
She set about looking for a job to do and a place to crash

After not too much time she settled at a place called K2A
where she was a bit naughty and played away
She met a girl called Sarah and although she didn't think it was fairer
She knew this girl was meant to be, so she dumped the guy and at last was free!

It was love at first sight as they spent many months in sheer delight
and decided it was time be different so they hopped on a flight

They were now living down under, part time looking after dogs
a bit of ‘this and that’ and cleaning posh bogs
They loved their life down under and spent time a the beach and open road
but after a year it was time to leave their abode

Back in the UK, Laura started her new job at Gil Uni and told tales of people from Boise who sounded looney
"At home we have people play the Musical Saw!" said Laura
whilst we were sipped cocktails and joked in Noura
She told tales of her girlfriend who didn’t like her job
and it wasn’t long before Sarah was was soon here and issued a Fob

So two for the price of one - Laura and Sarah working together
at lunch time they would sit downstairs, despite the changing weather!
They soon made friends with a girl called Marf
and hung out at break times always having a great laugh

After a year at this place it was time to move on
So after one or two interviews Laura was gone

But the memory, laughs and smile will never be forgotten



So in short, we are happy campers. Today literally cannot have been any better. This WEEK cannot have been any better.

Okay, we'll stop gushing now haha!

Have a wonderful evening everyone!

Love always, 
Laura & Sarah xo


  1. Jess from downunder1 June 2012 at 00:07

    love it :) glad life is going so well for you guys xx miss u like mad!

  2. AWWW sooo happy for you guys! What a bunch of amazing news & luck! Well done YOU laura!! & Aww at Martha, what a GREAT poem!!

    M xx

  3. Congratulations girls! Suggest you buy a lottery ticket! Love youz! Mum xxx

  4. What a lovely post, so full of things for us to say congratulations for...where to begin? Well CONGRATULATIONS on all of it, particularly (and most importantly) the ride on suitcase hehehe! And Laura, shows just how fabulous you are that you can get a new job before even leaving your old one.

    Well done lovelies, lots of love from S & L xxx

  5. Wonderful fabulous news! :D


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