If you have read our blog for a while you will know that one thing Laura and I can't agree on is a bath vs shower. Laura is a shower fan while I am a bath lover. If you want to see our reasons check out the post
here. It also includes fun facts about both ways of washing!
The reason for bringing it up now is because we were recently contacted about trialling Venus's new razor and on reading the email I was reminded just how much I have missed baths since the arrival of Annabelle.
I knew becoming a Mum would mean comprising certain things that I had taken for granted and it turns out baths were top of that list....okay baths and time to myself. If I get in the bath now it either includes a baby, a dog or is super shallow so I can quickly shave my legs. It certainly isn't a relaxing experience and I miss it.

So I took the opportunity to try the razor and close the door and relax this weekend. With Annabelle well taken care of and Bisbee asleep I snuck upstairs and ran the bath. It was amazing. I soaked. I think I may have napped. The result was a refreshed me. I also took the opportunity to do some maintenance. What helped was the new razor, is it shameful to admit that I don't remember the last time I bought a new razor?! I had been persevering with a fairly blunt razor meaning shaving my legs was a fairly time consuming task. With a new razor the task was far quicker, easier and rewarding- in fact the Venus with Olay moisture bars was amazing. It did two jobs in one. The bars moisturised my legs while the new razor meant I could shave far quicker.
And I'm not just saying this but I can see why Venus razors are best selling - after the cheap supermarket versions we have tried that only last for a few shaves - it was great to be using a a quality razor again.
So if you want to pamper yourself and save time during half term.....or any time and you want to try the Venus & Olay razor you can find them at Superdrug or Boots!
Are you a bath lover? Or all about the shower?
*Disclaimer - we were provided with a sample razor to try, all opinions are our own. We were not paid to write this post or for this trial.
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