Monday 7 January 2019

Baby Blogging: Vlog 6 Months Of Annabelle!

Somehow Annabelle is 6 months old! Time has absolutely flown and at some point soon we will do a roundup of all the milestones we have experienced so far.

Being Mummies has been the best challenge we have had together so far. We make sure and enjoy time with Annabelle together and separately every single day. Watching her grow and develop has been fun and a privilege. Sometimes we can't believe how lucky we are.

That's not to say we haven't experienced major challenges, just as we feel like we are getting the hang of it something changes. The nap length, what makes her smile, what makes her cry, what makes her giggle. Her favourite toy, her favourite position to sit in, her favourite people and the latest one - the position she sleeps. Everything is up for changing. Or we'll have a cold that throws everything out of whack and we have to figure everything out again.

You may have seen this post on the the Sleep Situation which I think has been our biggest challenge overall.

However Annabelle is a 6 month bundle of joy and here's our latest vlog with a few updates, click here.

So if you have a spare 12 mins and want to check it out enjoy :)

We will be trying to do more videos this year but in the meantime we are always on Instagram and Instagram stories, you'll find us @SarahplusLaura

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