Friday 14 September 2018

Blog Update: Our Love Story So Far!

Do you ever take a moment to reflect on life so far?

We attended a meditation class last night (as part of a blogging experience which we'll detail soon) and as we were given time to think I allowed my mind to stray and reflect on just how lucky I am. It also reminded me to get my butt in gear and update some blog pages that we hadn't looked at since Bisbee arrived almost 4 years ago.

So here is the updated 'LOVE STORY' so far page.
And the updated ABOUT US page.

Both includes links to key pages for our story so far.

I know one thing that will never change no matter how far we come and how much our life changes and that is that I will always want to make my life with Laura work. We both accept that Love is an action and as life gets busier I want to make sure Laura feels love, sees that I love her and knows, even on our hardest days that I am completely and utterly in love with her. All of her. The organising, the planning, her as a Mama, her as a best friend, as a wife, as a bad influence and good influence, the cooking, smoothie making, healthy eating encourager, the art, the mess, the clothes piles, the always having my back, being able to finish any sentence  - however random, knowing what I am thinking without me being sure. The direction giving, shopping list writing, booking of Christmas things in July. The fancy dress requirements, the photo taking and evenings chilling on the couch doing absolutely nothing. I love it all. Every single minute of it.

We have had challenges thrown at us over the years, a recent financial challenge is one of our biggest so far, but I know that together we can conquer anything. We have worked hard to build foundations that will allow us to grow and we can't wait for what the future brings. Life with Laura keeps me excited.

Every morning I wake up grateful to have a bed and heart full of love. Out littlest love and fur baby are never far from our side and watching them grow has been our greatest adventure.

Bring on the happiness.
Bring on the travels.
Bring on exploring near and far.
Bring on the memories, the photos, the stories.
Bring on the LOVE.

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